
♥ To have a pair of nice shaped legs (oh that's a DREAM)
♥ To smile with *ting* bright, shiny and white teeth
♥ To have fair-smooth-white skin on face
♥ To make disappear the flabby-irritating fats on my arms
♥ To arrr... be pretty. teeheee

Oops. All listed so far are about the appearance huh. Sound impossible or I would be the STAR now. ;p
But I do have something "more realistic" that I wish to own and to achieve aite, like: -

♥ A blazer [ beige | grey | black ] X
♥ An alexa bag [ black ] X
♥ A really effective eyecream to get rid of my superserious dark circles
♥ To get my pharmacy degree certification SUCCESSFULLY
♥ A really close friend
♥ A Schnauzer as pet
A hot iron hair curler Ö
♥ A semi-DSLR (is that normally called so?) [ panasonic lumix GF-1 | olympus EP-1 ]
♥ A... car?
♥ A smart phone! [samsung galaxy S | i-phone 4 maybe]
♥ ...
To be listed

**Girl changes her mind like the weather don't you know. The 'X' means the specific item is no longer in ma wishlish**